Water's Green Company

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Sep 10, 2023
Green Company:


Green Company is a sub-unit of the 41st Elite Corps. They are known for sticking to the high ground, the eyes in the sky. Wielding their powerful weaponry, they provide sniper support to those on the ground. They see what others don't, keeping their brothers safe from a great distance - they are some of the best Marksmen the Republic has to offer. Green Company is one with the environment, using camouflage to stay hidden from enemy sight - taking them out one by one. Due to the nature of the Company, they are able to scout and relay information without even being seen, to give the Republic the advantage when going into battle. Green Company is under the command of Clone Commander CC-1004 Gree, Jedi General Luminara Unduli, and briefly Grand Master Yoda. Green Company was notably deployed in the defence of the Tranquility, the battle of Kashyyyk, and the attack on Utapau.



The standard rifle of the GAR, the IQA-11 found good use in the hands of Green Company, pairing well with their renowned sharpshooting. The IQA-11 does 200 damage a shot, with 5 shots in the mag and an rpm of 75. This high damage, pinpoint accuracy, and supported by a strong fire rate, allows it to eliminate HVTs in a short time from a long distance.


Awarded to SGT+, the DC-15S is a key weapon for GC when in a pinch. Sometimes CQC is unavoidable or we are ordered to go into close-quarters scenarios to provide assistance, but this weapon does the job just fine in times of need. It does around 35 damage per shot, has a medium rate of fire, and has 25 shots.


There is a specialist class in Green Company called Marksman. These are indefinitely the most elite snipers in Green Company and arguably The Grand Army of the Republic. They go through difficult trials that test all different technicalities of combat ranging from movement to discipline to marksmanship and much more. They are led by a Marksman Commander who is chosen by the Senior Officers based on whether they have the right attitude and qualities. They also have more specialist equipment such as the T702 Sniper Rifle, BARC Speeder, and DC-17 Pistol.

T-702 Sniper Rifle

Originally designed to take out the systems of ships, the T-702 Sniper Rifle packs a devastating punch. When used on biological lifeforms, it disintegrates them, leaving little traces of its victims. It does around 500 damage with 1 shot in the chamber before the central energy cell has to recharge, enabling Marksmen to take out their target with ease. All senior officers are equipped with this weapon as well as Marksmen as they have once proven themselves to be worthy of Marksmen Commanders.

We are equipped with grapple Hooks which allows us to gain a tactical advantage through scaling any and every wall we come across.

BARC Speeder

The vehicle can be deployed by Marksmen, Medics, and Major+ and allows them to maneuver around the battlefield at great speed. They can get to positions lightning-fast giving them an advantage over the enemy. The BARC Speeder also enables them to scout ahead and fulfill their secondary role if necessary. This speeder is also equipped with a pair of blasters that do significant damage to ships and droids alike if that support is needed.


DC-17 Pistol

This pistol is in the load out of Marksmen and although isn't anything special, it is easily concealed and can save lives. A pistol is always welcome in a sniper's loadout.

Current Marksmen

Marksmen Commander: Mark

Marksmen: Cardbord, Light, Pod, Fruity, Devil, Hopper
Current Officers

Commander: Water
Executive Officer: Snake
Major: Mark
Captains: N/A
1st Lieutenants: N/A
2nd Lieutenants: Ekans, Pod, Crumpets

Hall of Fame

Buck Lynch Swamp Kramme Davros Sid Crimson Wolfram Jotuski Jono Viking Meph Rooster Brad Spyro Aizakku Goose Higgins Synth Sirox Silence Zach Quickload iShooting Kane Lewis LHM Banthony Taz Jakka Egg Shepherd Hopper Andromeda Skywalker Chihiro Deadeye Water First
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This Week's Regimental Notices:

GC got Reg Of The Week!!!!!
I was promoted to Commander
Cardbord was promoted to 2nd LT
Dequu was promoted to 2nd LT


GC Did great on activity this week maintaining a solid 5+ troopers on almost every event. Big W.


Performance has been solid, absolutely no incidents happened this week at all, no arrests or anything, Another big W.
Last Week's Regimental Notices:

2nd LT Mark got Marksman XO!


GC Did good on activity this week, could be a bit better after events though.


Performance has been solid, reporting in could be better but overall pretty decent!
This Week's Regimental Notices:

2nd LT Mark got promoted to 1st LT!


GC Did ok on activity this week, could improve after events though.


Performance has been alright. More EE kills definitely needed!!!!
Last Week's Regimental Notices:

SGM Ekans was promoted to 2nd LT! ARC CO Tom transferred into 1st LT! CPT Snake was promoted to Major! GC GOT REG OF THE WEEK!


GC Did well last week, good activity, 5+ on every event!


Performance was good, great reporting in overall!
Last Week's Regimental Notices:

2nd LT Chaoticrem left the LT team, 1st LT Mark got MMCO and GC GOT REG OF THE WEEK!


GC Did a bit shite on activity last week, barely managed 4+ for events.


Performance was great, Operation Assegai Part 2.5 was a complete Success!
Last Week's Regimental Notices:

2nd LT Cardbord left the LT team, that's about it really!


GC Did a bit better than last week maintaining a solid 6+ on for most events


Performance was alright, no complaints and great comms, could be better but we're getting there!
Last Week's Regimental Notices:

1st LT Tom left the LT Team... L, Major Snake was promoted to XO! Nothing else really.


Activity was alright this week, got a good few troopers in and overall numbers are good but lots of people LOA so only 5-6+ people on most events.


Performance was alright, no complaints at all, trying new comms, seeing how it goes.

I need to stop forgetting to do this.
This Week's Regimental Notices:

1st LT Mark was promoted to CPT and also acquired the Company Star. 2nd LT Ekans has achieved Medical Officer. Jedi Jason has been promoted to Jedi General Luminara Unduli.


Activity was average this week, nearly half the reg has been on LOA and it's shown in game as well. Thankfully our numbers haven't been too bad!


Performance was alright, no complaints really, need to focus on better reporting in to OD!

I remembered this week!!!
2 Week's Ago (07/04/24) Regimental Notices:

501st Dunkie transfered in as 2nd LT! I went LOA... zzzzzz


Was alright at the start of the week but massively dropped towards the end.


Performance was fine, reports been aight.
Last Week's (14/04/24) Regimental Notices:

No notices really just a couple medal changes is all. I came back from LOA and forgot to update the forums SMH!


Somehow even worse than last week...... shame.


Activity was so bad performance couldn't be judged.... shame.
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This Week's Regimental Notices (21/04/24):

We lost 2nd LT Dunkie this week!!! NOOOOO! Apart from that nothing happened.


Very inconsistent activity, sometimes lots of us on, other times not so many at all...


Performance has been aight but we need to get better at recon/scouting and reporting in.

Finally fully updated....
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Last Week's Regimental Notices (28/04/24):

SGM Pod was promoted to 2nd LT!


Activity was ok. nothing more, nothing less just ok.


Performance has been ok but recon can always be improved.
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Last Week's Regimental Notices (05/05/24):

No promotions or Demotions this week. zzzzzz


Activity was meh, super inconsistent, everyone goes afk after events!!!


Performance has been alright but recon is still not at the level we'd like it to be!
Many Weeks ago Regimental Notices (12/05/24):

Mark was promoted to Major and I was promoted to Marshal Commander! As well as that we also managed to get Regiment of The Week!


Very inconsistent this week and overall it's been pretty poor.


Performance has been alright but recon and using comms when doing recon can still be improved.
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Few Weeks ago Regimental Notices (19/05/24):

No Promotions or demotions have happened this week zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Better than last week but can always improve!


Performance has been pretty standard, people are afraid of reporting in.... hopefully this improves.
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Couple Weeks ago Regimental Notices (26/05/24):

No Promotions or demotions have happened this week zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Been very good at the start but by the end just barely anyone was seen.


Nothing really happened this week been quite busy though with lots of Spec Ops and Cross Regs but other that nothing really.
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Last Weeks Regimental Notices (02/06/24):

Crumpets was promoted to the rank of 2nd LT WOOHOO!


This week activity has been way better than previous weeks which is great to see


There's been some negativity in VC's recently however hopefully we improve this.
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This Weeks Regimental Notices (09/06/24):

No promo's happened but an additional section for the GC Tryout was added and hopefully will help us stand out from other regiments!!


This week activity has been alright but very inconsistent, hopefully we can keep high numbers more frequently next week!


The negativity in VC has gone down a fair bit this week which is great, the general attitude is back to being positive and general performance in missions/trainings is great as well!
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This Week’s Regimental Notices (16/06/2024):

Unfortunately 2nd LT MO Ekans has stepped down from the LT+ team, I wish him well in his future endeavors and thank him for his services. In more positive news 2nd LT Crumpets has earned this months Company Star!!!


Activity has been lacking a lot towards the end of this week, hopefully we can improve it next week!


For the little amount people have been on everyone is doing well and there’s not been any mentions of friendly fire this week which is wonderful!
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