RC Changes

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2023
Under Valks Bed


Your In-Game Name: RC Commander Jensen

Suggestion: Add the Ricochet Mod to Delta-07 Sev

Addons Needed (workshop link): None

Reason: Sev is currently the highest-ranking sniper in RC and has the least equipment on his character compared to the other snipers. I feel that adding this equipment to Sev, now that it works as intended and doesn't multiply damage, would make sense, as he is meant to be one of the most elite marksmen. He should have this equipment alongside Crosshair and have equal utility equipment to the rest of Delta.

Suggestion: Change Sev's Sniper to the following stats

Addons Needed (workshop link): None

Reason: We Feel that the sev sniper at the moment feels very underpowered compared to the other snipers in the regiment that are at a much lower rank requirement, The stat changes include a overall damage decrease but an increase in damage per hit, doing this it will make hitting your shots more rewarding to skilful players. The RPM has also been drastically lowered to account for the increase in damage per hit.​

DC-17m Sev

500 Damage

50 RPM

3.5s Reload Speed

2 Ammo

0.11 Accuracy

Suggestion: Remove the Defibrillator from Epsilon-59 Vale and Add Officer Boost

Addons Needed (workshop link): None

Reason: After seeing Vale played multiple times, I have come to the consensus that the Defibs are underutilized and unneeded. Giving Vale the Officer boost like all the other LT+ characters have would make him a much more enjoyable and useful character to play, while also making him more useful to his squad, considering Witt already has Defibs.

Suggestion: Add the DC-17m Lt/Squad back to Hunter & Lower the stats of his Pistol.

Addons Needed (workshop link): None

Reason: We tried to make Hunter work in the game as he did in 'The Bad Batch' show by giving him the DC-17 Pistol as his primary weapon with slightly improved stats and more emphasis on using knife while sacrificing range. However, this didn't translate well, so we would like to return the DC-17m Lt/Squad to him and lower the DC-17 (Hunter) to the following Default stats.

DC-17 Extended Hunter

30 Damage

450 RPM

3s Reload Speed

30 Ammo

1.27 Accuracy (Cant ADS)


If slight changes are needed to be made I'm happy to rework stuff with seniors.

Thanks for reading and please leave feedback below. If its not stupid ill reply x
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only issue is fixer with a squad shield he already has a very very good gun atm no need for adding the squad shield when multiple of your lower rank required RC characters already have it, just making a busted character more busted | unlesss your going to remove a squad shield off of one of the other characters that have it
only issue is fixer with a squad shield he already has a very very good gun atm no need for adding the squad shield when multiple of your lower rank required RC characters already have it, just making a busted character more busted | unlesss your going to remove a squad shield off of one of the other characters that have it
I neglected the fact that fixer still has access to drones so I agree that the squad shield would be overkill, so I've removed that part of the suggestion.
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On Behalf of the MVG Staff Team.​

The suggestion has been Partially Accepted

Ricochet Mod for Sev has been Denied
Sev Stat Changes have been Denied
Removal of Vale Defibrillators in return for Officer Boost has been Accepted

Changes to Hunter has been Accepted with a NOTE:
Changes can ONLY go through once the Officer Boost for RC Hunter has been fixed. Currently when used it gives 409 Speed. This must be fixed so when used it only gives 312 like the other Officer Boosts.​

Expect to see it in game soon​

// Moved to Accepted​

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