Pit's Pac Application

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Active member
Mar 18, 2024
In-Game Name(s): Pit

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:611585140

In-game Rank(A minimum rank of 1st LT or Master Specialist is needed): CPT

For what reasons would you use PAC? (A minimum of 100 words): My primary motivation for using Pac3 is to give my character some life. Without pac3, all of the body groups that are available to everyone at my rank would be the same as mine. This means that instead of being distinctive and clearly recognised, I could end up looking like everyone else (in my reg). Additionally, Pac3 enables me to design a more dynamic and richer role-playing environment. Moreover, the ability to build a distinctive character adds to the server's overall richness and dynamic nature. I would also use pac to enhance my Role playing experience on the server and enhance the experience of those around me.

Give us an example of what you would put on your character(s): Ribbons, Weapons, and equipment that my character uses

What effect would it have on your RP? (A minimum of 100 words): It would enable me to show off my weapons, which would slide off my back when I pulled them out, adding realism and improving my role-playing. Additionally, by having my Disciplinary expertise ribbon and Flame trooper service award displayed on my armour, I can remove them from my name, which would make everything appear neater overall and allow me to highlight both of my accomplishments rather than just the one that is permitted in the name. Additionally, it would appear more formal and demonstrate my respect for the other soldiers I fought alongside if I held my arms behind my back while providing GM with a debriefing following a difficult, hard-fought combat.

How many warnings do you have?: 0

Have you had PAC3 previously?: Yes

Are you fully aware that if you breach any of the rules your access will be removed?: Yes

On Behalf of the Clone Wars Staff team
The following PAC Application has been Accepted

You should have access to PAC-3 now, if not contact an Administrator+ in-game.

Just be aware of rule "7. Medals/ribbons awarded from Fleet or Generals may be added to your character through PAC (up to 3 at a time)." which would mean you would be unable to put your regimental medals without breaking the rules.
So make sure to read through PAC-3 rules if you haven't already.​
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