Imperial packages, transfers F.A.Q


Greetings from the Imperial Starship.

So with Imperial development as it stands is in a strong position. I would like to address a few things that have already been brought up by a few people from across the community. I hope this explains everything for you.

- Can I transfer CW packages to Imperial?: We will not be doing any package transfers at all, much like how we don't allow transfers to CW etc.

- Can I have X packages as I donated on Imp before?: As harsh as it sounds, this is a brand new server under a new Imperial Lore, new structure and NEW donation packages ( one's that haven't been paid for before ). Please visit the latest Imperial announcement to check out what packages they are. However a full disclosure will be put on the store at a later date.

- Can I have Imp packages? I am a veteran?: If you are a Veteran from Imperial before, you are granted 1 free package of your choice, the rest will need to be paid for. A full disclosure on this will be released further down the line.

- What rank do I get if I buy X package?: As stated in a Imperial announcement by Rush. High ranking positions will have to be applied for through a form which will be released in the future. Depending what you apply for, and the state of your application will determine what you get. All of this will be handled by Management for impartiality. This also applies to non-donation regiments

- Can I get staff, as I was staff on Imp before?: Regardless of what positions you were before on Imperial within staff everything will need to be applied for. Everyone will start as Advisor ( trial mod, depending on experience ) However this may change depending on how the server progresses.

- I'm staff on CW, can I transfer to Imp staff?: Unfortunately not. If you are already a staff member on CW, you'll need to apply through the forums again. This is to give people who're not currently staff a chance of applying and potentially getting a position within the team. We are ideally looking for candidates who know a lot about Imperial lore, that includes high-ranking positions IC too.

I hope this answers a lot of your questions. We want the server to be a success and not like the many that have failed over the course of the last few years. People that have a passion for Imperial Lore and structure, and welcoming new players to the fold should they choose to join us, setting a good example of how good Imperial can and should be ran. Toxicity will not exist on this server, whats happened in the past stays in the past. Do not come onto the server if you intend on bringing past grievances that are likely to hinge the servers reputation and success.

If anyone has further questions, pop them below or feel free to reach out in my DM's. As mentioned previously, no release date has been set yet but we are well ahead of schedule.

We hope you all join us on this journey to the dark side.

Many Thanks,
Owner D.S