
New member
Sep 12, 2023
Name: Fruity
Age (you must be at least 16): I am 22 years old
Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT +1
In-Character Name(s): Fruity
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54931730

About me: Hello! My name is Markus or Fruity as i am known as in the game, I am 22 years old from Sweden. I love the gym and drinking with friends at weekends. One big passion is also gaming, I love playing gmod cs apex league etc. Also OG Fortnite :) Do study at home so i have a lot of time on my hands.

Why do you want to become a staff member?:

Was once before but didnt really have time but loved doing stuff when i was. With me studying now i have more time. Really enjoyed it last time just didnt have time so hoping i can come back and give it a go.

Server Info
Have you received any in-game warnings, kicks, or bans?: No
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
How active can you be?: everyday pretty much
Do you have any previous staff experience?: I was Tmod a few months back. So i do have some experience and i would love to come back and help out where i can.
Do you agree to adhere to the staff guidelines?: I agree.
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On Behalf of the MVG Staff Team.

You have been placed On-Hold
During this time, you will be given the rank of Advisor and assist the staff team with basic claims and will be voted on again in 2 weeks time.

You'll receive a message to introduce you to Staff when both parties are available.