Bappos staff app

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Trial Moderator
Nov 18, 2023
Basic Information
Name: Bappo
Age (you must be at least 16): 22
Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT+2
In-Character Name(s): CG CPT CSO Bappo
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120342695

About me: Hello, I am Bappo I like to play video games. My favorite game is dark souls 3 because of its massive world and story. Right now I am learning programing with friends and trying to make some small games so we can play around. Recently I finished College and now just relaxing until I go back to College and continue to get a higher degree diploma. As well I am quite a nice guy to people and if people need help I try to help them out.

Why do you want to become a staff member?: I would like to become staff because I want to try to help out the staff team. By hosting event making dupes or doing basic claims. With events I would try do something new if those ideas would be possible. An example would be to have RS that allows people to walk trough but not vehicles/drones and they have to destroy/disable the RS from inside to be able to bring the vehicles/drone with them. With dupe I would try to make something unique like a drill pod, but instead of droids it would have explosives that the drill pod would let out.

Server Info
Have you received any in-game warnings, kicks, or bans?: 2 warns
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
How active can you be?: Almost daily
Do you have any previous staff experience?: I have experience being staff, but that was in 2017
Do you agree to adhere to the staff guidelines?: Yes

On Behalf of the MVG Staff Team You have been placed On-Hold

During this time, you will be given the rank of Advisor where you will assist the staff team with basic claims, learn about event/staff tools and will be voted on again in 2 weeks time.

You'll receive a message to introduce you to Staff when both parties are available.

// Locked and Moved to Accepted​
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