New CIS Vehicle

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I believe we had this in the past and whilst it wasn't always used it is pretty cool for immersion and will come in handy in some situations. Very cool.
also think you accidentally disabled voting on this
Well its gonna be so weak its gonna be some what pointless, could be looked into I guess but it does look like it pretty much gonna get one shotted by a TX, ISP or even a GC MM. The damage output is probably gonna be weak and inconsistent as well. Would look into the stats and everything but it does look that weak overall.
This is gonna be used as a ramming tool for the EEs no doubt about it,

but on the other hand immersion is upped by 1 and more vehicles for CIS which is really nice to see

This suggestion has been Denied due to the speeder bike not functioning well as well with the MVG Staff Team feel it will be used for mostly VDM

// Locked and Moved to Denied​
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