MED GM Grenade

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Sep 11, 2023
Your In-Game Name: GM Commander Wolfram
Suggestion: Add NPC Stun to GM grenade
Addons Needed (workshop link): N/A
Reason: The feedback given to us about our equipment was try to improve our current equipment. So we in GM, and a few others have come up with this. Make the incendiary grenade stun NPC's like our flamethrower. It would not stun other players. We are a regiment focused on NPC clear so this fits our regiment and makes the grenade actually useful instead of being a useless tickle puddle for NPC's. To give context to people it takes 3 to 6 grenades to take out one event level NPC, and thats if they stay in the small area that it ignites. With this change GM could actually implement breach tactics with grenades, I for one think it would be exciting and increase the RP in breaches.
this is something we always talked about but its just way too overpowered and i always said it. what keeps flametroopers balanced is how CQC they have to get to do damage. being able to do it from SGT+ not only deters people from your main spec and the best bit of equipment in your regiment, but allows you to do it from a distance, over walls and around corners from complete safety. i just dont think this is sensible at all really, it's much too powerful
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Just to add some numbers, the incendiary grenade typically deals around 50 damage, although it can fluctuate slightly, usually within a range of about 10 damage. In comparison, the 212th grenade inflicts a consistent 200 damage instantly. The 50 damage from the incendiary grenade is spread out over the course of 10 seconds
After some more testing sometimes the incendiary can do more than 50 upto even around 150+ damage over the course of 10 seconds. But my point is that the grenade deals an inconsistent amount of damage. Sometimes doing barely anything, and again this is assuming the person or npcs stays in the fire for the whole 10 seconds.
and this suggestion means that it instantly cripples the droids rendering them useless for 10 seconds, plenty long enough for someone to kill them. basically gone from 50 - 150 damage to a 1 shot for all NPCs
numbers or not icl when we had it back in the day it was OP to fuck

Your spec can already stunlock being able to do it with your nades too will make breaching and holing your battlestation a piss easy job
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If anything I feel like a damage buff would be a better thing to look into, as what you're saying the 50-150 dmg it does over 10 seconds isn't enough.
and this suggestion means that it instantly cripples the droids rendering them useless for 10 seconds, plenty long enough for someone to kill them. basically gone from 50 - 150 damage to a 1 shot for all NPCs
It's not a guarenteed 1 shot for NPC's I'm not saying to make it do as much dmg as the flamethrower tick, but stuns them for the 10 seconds. It would need to be used in combination with either our rifle or flamethrowers. It just makes it so we can close the gap with flamethrowers to actually deal with them.
As Tom said, a damage buff would seem more appropriate and work better as a whole.

On behalf of the MVG Administrative Team this suggestion has been Partially Accepted

The decision has been made to remove the damage of the stun grenades with buffing the NPC stun as well with a nerf to the range that they are able to stun. With this incendiary grenades are being removed from MJR+​
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