Add Squad addon

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A problem I have with the current squad is cutting out chatter. Is there a way (like on discord) to either deafen or to mute other members?
We were intending to add this system over the summer however when trialled there were a number of issues with it (but we do own it).
it was pretty useful. would love to see it back on the server
I remember the problem I had with this was that all audio from the comms was unbearably loud. When I turned down the game enough that it wouldnt deafen me I was unable to hear anything else anymore.

Also, wasn't one of the arguments for switching over to a different system that being able to press a button to see where everyone else was located was not immersive, and it was better to force people to communicate and describe where they went or how to get there instead?
+1, has its issues, but was also really useful, would love to see its return

On behalf of the MVG Senior Team this suggestion has been Denied

This is being denied due to their being issues with the squad addon with people crashing if pings were spammed and as well with performance issues.

// Locked and Denied​
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