Multiverse Gaming

PAC3 Rules

In character Rules

1 – A rank of 1st LT+ or Jedi Master Specialist+ must be held in order to apply and gain access to PAC3. Those who do not meet the required rank will not have access to PAC3, however if a user has had an application accepted in the past they will re-gain access should they obtain the required minimum rank again.

2 – The use of capes is restricted to the rank of Commander+ within Fleet/Navy, Jedi General+, Marshal Commander+.

3 – Hoods are not allowed to be worn by anyone other than Jedi Council Member+, however can be awarded by Grand Master Yoda for exceptional performance.

4 – Regimental flags are not allowed to be worn by anyone other than Commander+

5a – The use of prosthetic or robotic limbs must be justified by a Character Story written on the forum and is restricted to XO+. A Rear Admiral+ will look at the character story and decide whether it is a viable story from an in game point of view and then an Admin+ will have the final say on whether it is accepted or not. Upon approval, the user will undergo IC surgery with the Regimental Medics which will be observed by a Fleet or Assistant General+.

5b – Jedi may request a robotic limb at Master Specialist + through a character story. Yoda will look at the story and give his verdict on if it is sound, an Admin+ will cast their eye and judge how reasonable the PAC is. If approved the Jedi will undergo surgery from the medics IC, like other requests, which a Fleet or Jedi Gen will ensure happens.

5c – If you resign from your position and return at some point in the future as a lower rank IC than when you left, you will have to wait until you reach the minimum rank again to wear your character’s limb. If you return at the same IC rank, you can wear the PAC immediately. Over time PAC rules will change as will higher ups and Admin+ so your old story may be reviewed or you may need to submit a new one should PAC be removed / implemented again.

6 – Helmets must be worn at all times whilst in combat or outside of the base, However everyone is free to remove their helmets inside the base so long as it isn’t a combat situation.

7 – Medals/ribbons awarded from Fleet/Navy or Generals/ISB may be added to your character through PAC (up to 3 at a time).

out of character rules

1 – You must use a responsible amount of props/entities on your character. It is to the staff’s judgement what is deemed as a reasonable amount.

2 – No Powergaming – For example giving yourself a Level 2 ID card on your character when you have Level 1 ID card in your job.

3 – All changes must make sense in a RP perspective. For example, you may expect to see a 327th with an electronic arm device for scanning but not a player in a role who does not perform scans. Such as small details to help with immersion and other aspects of your character as listed within the rules.

4 – You cannot modify weapons/items unless specific permission from an admin or above AND fleet/navy.

5a – You cannot use PAC to gain an unfair advantage, this means no editing your player size, colour or material.

5b – Do not apply PACs to other players or entities.

6 – You should not use PAC in crowded areas and may be asked to remove your PAC temporarily. If you refuse, your access to PAC will be for a time removed. Common places are places such as ceremonies or debriefs. If the staff clear everybody’s PAC3, you may not wear your modifications until given permission by staff.

7 – “Un-natural” changes such as prosthetic or robotic parts can not be added out of thin air. See IC rule 4 for more details.

8a – Players cannot use imported emitters, effects, textures or models.

8b – Unless you are planning on standing still, the animation cannot be static (that means when you move the animation does not. For example you stand still when in reality you are walking forward).

8c – The animation cannot be a “prone” animation.

8d – The animation cannot be exploited or used to gain a tactical advantage.

9a – The use of OOC Flags/Insignia’s is not allowed. Clones and troopers are not samurai. Only Regimental Flags may be used by the appropriate IC Rank when out of combat.

9b – The playing of sounds through PAC is prohibited. This include music, voice commands, any sound.

9c – Actions such as sitting, kneeling, meditating and dabbing. Yes and no. If it makes sense for your character to do those actions yes if not No. Use common sense. No-one would Dab ever in the Star Wars universe, but they would meditate as a Jedi or Sith, or kneel as a Medical personnel to get a better look at a corpse.

9d – Gun events (events that put weapons on your back) are allowed. As long as you are using the weapon model that corresponds to your weapon. The amount of weapons you put on yourself is limited to 2 – duel weapons such as duel pistols count as one weapon on your character

9e – Your items must make Roleplaying sense in the Star Wars universe. A CT can’t be carrying around a chainsaw instead of a gun and force users can’t just look like ninjas.

9f – Player models may only be altered through PAC by Fleet/Navy and Jedi/Sith once a character story has been written on the forum and accepted by an Admin+. You may not change your player-model to an entire new model.

9g – The use of lasers or companions is prohibited.

10 – Text screens on your character are prohibited unless part of a holographic screen such as an arm scanner, text screens are limited to one.

11 – PAC must not be edited in an area that affects the role play of the server. For example, standing and editing PAC in the middle of Deck 2.

12 – The PAC camera must not be abused. Using the camera from an unnatural distance away will be considered abuse – e.g. Flying it across the room or into other areas of the map which are more than a few feet away from your character.

13 – You may not ‘Blacklist’ individuals from seeing your PAC. All members of staff, as well as other members of the community, must be able to see your PAC. Breaking this rule will result in the immediate removal of PAC access.

14 – All PAC rules still apply during server ‘down-time’.

15 – Staff members must hold the rank of Admin+ to accept/deny PAC applications and Character Stories with PAC aspects.

16 – Staff’s word is final. If a staff member tells you to remove or amend your PAC, do it. If you take issue with their request, ask to speak to a higher up in staff but respect the final decision.

17 –Requesting a staff member to view your application or advertising your app in any way will result in instant denial, with the user having to wait 2 weeks to re-apply.



Failure To Complie with the rules

By using PAC in game you agree to all of the above stated rules. Failure to follow the rules will result in the following punishments (as well as any warns/kicks/bans that may occur):

  • Warning – Initial warning from staff to amend the PAC.
  • 1st Strike – User will lose access to PAC for 7 days.
  • 2nd Strike  – User will lose access to PAC for 2 weeks and will have to re-apply.
  • 3rd Strike – User will be blacklisted from using PAC indefinitely.