Wheezy's Staff App

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New member
Dec 11, 2023
Basic Information
Name: Wheezy
Age (you must be at least 16): 20
Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT/BST
In-Character Name(s): RC-31 SGM Wheezy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:559497370

About me: Been playing on Gmod StarWars RP servers for 4 years now. Have my fair share of experiences. if im not on the server im either working or working on my car.

Why do you want to become a staff member?: Think its time for a change or rotation of events, (Since event team got yeeted and only staff do it now, Sometimes,) also staff tickets yippie

Server Info
Have you received any in-game warnings, kicks, or bans?: No
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
How active can you be?: Pretty much most nights
Do you have any previous staff experience?: previous senior admin then production manager (OOC events) and then finally server manager (Aurora Servers) previous admin (Fusion Networks)
Do you agree to adhere to the staff guidelines?: Of course
Wheezer all staff apps are closed atm.

You're gonna have to wait until they reopen in the future.

On-Behalf of the MvG Staff Team, your application has been Denied
Due to Staff applications being closed, this will be auto-denied. You are free to re-apply once applications are open again.

// Locked and Moved to Denied​
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