RP Name: Softy
Discord Name (include #): softy435
Time zone (GMT +/-): CEST
Role(s) applied for: 501st LT and 501st MO
Previous experience: CPT and MO for the 501st then went to GM as a SGT and FL then to GC only as a PVT now back in the 501st.
Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for: 501st is the frontline or the vaders fist.
Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?: I have experience as an officer and as a MO.
How active can you be?: can be very active.
Discord Name (include #): softy435
Time zone (GMT +/-): CEST
Role(s) applied for: 501st LT and 501st MO
Previous experience: CPT and MO for the 501st then went to GM as a SGT and FL then to GC only as a PVT now back in the 501st.
Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for: 501st is the frontline or the vaders fist.
Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?: I have experience as an officer and as a MO.
How active can you be?: can be very active.