QOL Suggestions

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CW Veteran
Sep 9, 2023
Probally America
Your In-Game Name: Turtles
Suggestion: Change the HP on the "ebon hawk" to be on part with the HMP gunship
Reason: Gets killed very fast even though it being a troop transport/dropship

Suggestion: Separating the mando gantlet into a fighter and a dropship with 2k hp or something appropriate
Reason: Same as above, reason to keep it two separate ships is sometimes they use the gantlet as a fighter

Suggestion: Buff the damage on the SAM turret so it can be more lethal, also changing the range of it to 5000
Reason: SAM turrets are not very strong against LAATs, imo they should be lethal and stopping ships from taking off

On behalf of the MVG Staff and Admin Team

The following Suggestions have been Partially Accepted

Suggestion 1: Accepted

Suggestion 2:

Suggestion 3: Denied We have agreed that the current SAM turrets do not need a buff to their range as it is already very high, the damage of them won't be changed either, we would rather the Event Host(s) and Staff decide if the air vehicles used at the time need changes done to their HP for that event.

Expect to see them in-game soon.

// Locked and Moved to Accepted.​
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