
o7 It was always a pleasure to talk to you. It is sad to see you go Have a good one first being free from MVG.
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Bye, dont let the door yeet you on the way out!! o7

Nahh for real, have fun whatever your gonna do
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Knew you for a while, it was always nice having a talk with you, somehow always ended with a good laugh so I'll miss that
Was nice knowing you First, I'm glad you were here to see me get Head Admin after you at least!
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I remember you as first Skywalker i knew and still cant forget about us two leading event wish you luck and see ya when MVG curse gets you back o7
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/me Salutes was a great time having you around all the way til the end Keep Well
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chow chow, still think it was funny the fact ur padawan overtook you in jedi hahahahaha
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Bye First, enjoy touching grass for a few months until you inevitably return to the server
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