Macauley's Staff Application x2

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Apr 15, 2024
Basic Information
Name: Macauley
Age (you must be at least 16): 21
Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT +1
In-Character Name(s): Macauley
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:508096857

About me: I am at University studying Business going into my final year I currently work at a cinema I love all things Star Wars (Obviously or why would I be here), I am currently moderating the Official Discord for Rust Console, I enjoy playing games that being from survival to different shooters.

Why do you want to become a staff member?: Since I’ve joined the server I have met people who are helpful and therefore I want to give back to those people I want to be able to actively contribute and help the server in any way I can I want to be able to learn more about the side of setting events up to able to do that I actively help people already in my other Discords I moderate so I want to bring that experience here.

Server Info
Have you received any in-game warnings, kicks, or bans?: No
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
How active can you be?: Everyday at least 2 hours per day
Do you have any previous staff experience?: I moderate a server currently, I have also moderated and been an admin on other games, this would be my first time on GMod but I’ve a slight understanding of administrative responsibilities for this game.
Do you agree to adhere to the staff guidelines?: Yes
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+support he good man and get on well with everyone on sever i thank he be good candidate in my eyes for sever and he get on well with staff team to and he give out good vibe to be around and great kid
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Reactions: Macauley
See you around a decent bit mate and always a pleasure to have you as an EE, big help and a great guy. + Support and good luck!
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Reactions: Macauley

Great guy to play with and to speak with.
He actually cares for whomever speaks to him either if it's a training or an event.
Overall a huge +1 from Hank the ordinary player!
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Reactions: Macauley
+1 Macauley is a great guy. Always there, alot of experience and knowlegde to share with everyone.
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Reactions: Macauley

On Behalf of the MVG Administrative Team

The Following Applicant has been Denied
You have been denied due to not having enough presence on the server.
We encourage you to interact with the players on the server before you reapply.

// Locked and Moved to Denied​
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Reactions: Macauley
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