Imperial Server Update | Applications CLOSED | Discord Release


Hi all,

Following on from the initial Imperial announcement here, lots of progress in developing the server has been made, and we are excited to be in a position now where we can open up In-Character and Staffing applications.

If you're interested in any role, the earlier you apply the better, as those who are in IC / Staff roles will be prioritised for closed-beta testing the server, with your feedback & suggestions for your role/regiment taken on board prior to release.
Even if you find yourself unsuccessful in one application, you may still be offered another position within the regiment / a similar role in another regiment.

If you are interested in applying for a donation role, if accepted you will receive the package at a discounted price (terms apply). If you are an Imperial veteran, this only applies if you don't want to use your package choice on that regiment. As per the donation announcement from Deadshot here, previous Imperial veterans will receive one package of your choice at no cost (with proof of veteran status).

See updated structure below:

To apply, head over to the applications section or click here for IC apps and here for staff apps.

Applications will be reviewed in 1-2 weeks time.

We are also happy to announce the release of the Official Imperial Discord, click here to join.

Many Thanks​
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