Imperial Senate Budget Expenses

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May 13, 2024


-=[ Incoming transmission from Naval Command aboard the Venator Imperious ]=-

-= Credentials: | Name: Mitth'raw'nuruodo AKA Thrawn | Rank: Grand Admiral | Vessel: Imperious=-

Following legislation from the Imperial Senate, the navy is to observe closer attention to expenses. On a bi-weekly basis the senate will determine a budget for us to adhere to, this means that all vehicles, drones have a cost, including any expenditure of credits e.g. negotiation payout. The security of the Empire is of the up-most importance to the Emperor and therefore as a close member of High Command, the 7th fleet will receive generous budgets to ensure any rebel activity is squashed.

The budget will come into effect from tomorrow, and is to be updated fortnightly at 18:00. All deployments of vehicles, drones and expenses must be granted by Navy, any unreturned vehicles that are not reported in will be classed as lost and as such would be deducted from the budget, if we run out of budget then we are unable to deploy as effectively until a new budget comes into effect.

We expect effective and proper use of deployed vehicles, damages have consequences to the budget and we do not wish to waste Imperial resources.

Any questions regarding this system can be brought to a member of Admiralty.

The initial budget will be set at ᖬ15,000,000

Below is an example of an overview to give insight on how this system will be monitored behind the scenes.

Long live the Empire!


-=[ Incoming transmission from Naval Command aboard the ISD Chimaera ]=-
-= Credentials: | Name: Mitth'raw'nuruodo AKA Thrawn | Rank: Grand Admiral | Vessel: Chimaera =-

At the end of the bi-weekly period we ended with only spending ᖬ3,000,000 worth of credits of our set budget, after attaining reimbursements to support any losses.

The Senate has decided to move fundings towards Project Stardust for the the coming bi-weekly period. Due to this our fundings will be set to ᖬ10,000,000

Long live the Empire!
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-=[ Incoming transmission from Naval Command aboard the ISD Chimaera ]=-
-= Credentials: | Name: Mitth'raw'nuruodo AKA Thrawn | Rank: Grand Admiral | Vessel: Chimaera =-

After an extended period of financial adjustments the bi-weekly period was extended, however has now been reinstated from today.

The 7th Fleet managed to end with up with just having spent ᖬ8,000,000 to spare after a 4 week period.

Due to the Emperor's growing plans for the Empire, and after seeing that the 7th Fleet can sustain their budget, the new budget for the bi-weekly period has been set to ᖬ5,000,000

Long live the Empire!
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