RP Name: Carmine
Discord Name (include #): carmine6295
Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT
Role(s) applied for: IE XO
Previous experience: i have been in 327th/38th multiple times, throughout my time on the server i have been an engineer quite a few times, with no complaints or errors from myself, i have also been the second in command in the RND spec within fleet where i had to know all the engineering in and out.
Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for: To keep the ship/base up and running, to defuse bombs, maintain troopers equipment, provide upkeep on vehicles and starfighters. Also to take to the skys and stop the enemy ships from damaging the ship/base!
Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?: i have alot of passion for engineering and all though i may not have as much experience as others i still feel as if i am a good canidate as im very willing to learn the ins and outs all over again for the Imperial era.
How active can you be?: Many hours a day
Discord Name (include #): carmine6295
Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT
Role(s) applied for: IE XO
Previous experience: i have been in 327th/38th multiple times, throughout my time on the server i have been an engineer quite a few times, with no complaints or errors from myself, i have also been the second in command in the RND spec within fleet where i had to know all the engineering in and out.
Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for: To keep the ship/base up and running, to defuse bombs, maintain troopers equipment, provide upkeep on vehicles and starfighters. Also to take to the skys and stop the enemy ships from damaging the ship/base!
Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?: i have alot of passion for engineering and all though i may not have as much experience as others i still feel as if i am a good canidate as im very willing to learn the ins and outs all over again for the Imperial era.
How active can you be?: Many hours a day