RP Name: Shibby
Discord Name (ssmokeyy #):
Time zone (GMT +/-): English Time
Role(s) applied for: IST 1st LT
Previous experience: I have played on Clone Wars RP for a while, I used to be 104th Captain, I have also played in Jedi Consular for a while. That all helped with with leading people so would be good in a high rank experience.
Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for: Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?: As a previous 104th, I enjoy scouting. I have also played in GC which I believe is very similar to IST so I believe I would enjoy playing as the regiment. I am also well suited to being a high rank as I have been a high rank before.
How active can you be?: Can play everyday unless something comes up.
Discord Name (ssmokeyy #):
Time zone (GMT +/-): English Time
Role(s) applied for: IST 1st LT
Previous experience: I have played on Clone Wars RP for a while, I used to be 104th Captain, I have also played in Jedi Consular for a while. That all helped with with leading people so would be good in a high rank experience.
Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for: Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?: As a previous 104th, I enjoy scouting. I have also played in GC which I believe is very similar to IST so I believe I would enjoy playing as the regiment. I am also well suited to being a high rank as I have been a high rank before.
How active can you be?: Can play everyday unless something comes up.