Fixing Events


Active member
Sep 9, 2023
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Add the Event Team back to the server.

Addons Needed (workshop link):
Not Needed.

Events are continually late and lack the detail to game-play and RP to them. Even with the number of staff members, most events are not up to the standard they used to be with very little story put into them. If the Event Team has people dedicated to making detailed and meaningful events instead of last-minute half-arsed attempts at reaching quota during the two weeks they need to hit it then it has good potential at making it how it was a year ago.

The real reason the event team failed last time was that the only feedback people got was Mikealo cursing them out in DMs saying how shit they are instead of how to improve and better the game-play to their events. With not much mentoring for the new comers either with the event specialists being promoted without proper experience or guidance. Ever since it got removed it's been going downhill for the events being done with less and less effort put into them. Don't get me wrong not all events are bad but I feel adding back the event team can make it more consistent and enjoyable to the average player.

Back when Jeb/Water was running it we had weekly feedback on the events each person did with effort put into monitoring events and helping them improve. We all had a say who had a chance to get into the event team with everyone giving their interactions into the conversation. This worked well, there was a solid team with events being on time and positive feedback from the people playing it. If this can be run like this then it can impact the server massively.

The event team was also a good way to get into the staff team, having people who can be monitored with power and see how they do. Having new opinions and views on who votes and what can improve the server. As well as having new people be properly monitored on how to do events and set them up correctly, especially with the RP side with fleet. At the end of the day having the event team will give staff team more time and availability to do staff related things and take pressure off of having to do events.
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That would lead to another problem of keeping it sustainable, people can still have original and good events being in the staff/event team after 3 months. You'd be missing out on that. I think the better way would be having a steady flow of new comers in and out of the event team instead of outright removing them.
It's always good to keep the people who are consistently putting in the time and effort around as long as they maintain a decent standard
In order to keep that consistency a Relegation system could be introduced where if you reached a certain rank or mount of time within the team your Performance could be possibly checked every now and then by maybe staff or a Enthusiastic Event Team Leader, If you are deemed to be putting out events for the sake of making the quota minimum or sticking around for the perks You'd be relegated and face either a Demotion or Removal

*Just a rough idea*
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