First's IC App

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Staff member
CW Veteran
Sep 9, 2023
United Kingdom
RP Name: First

Discord Name (include #): First#9554

Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT

Role(s) applied for: Imperial Navy Captain or Commodore & ISB Agent

Previous experience: GC MCO, Fleet Commander, Jedi High General, 327th 2nd LT

Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for:
Imperial Navy - The Navy stands in charge of a lot of responsibilities. Both vessel and base(s) lies under the jurisdiction of the Navy, therefore making it their duty to ensure stability, order, and balance onboard their respective vessel at all times. During times of struggle (E.g. battles), the navy may take it upon themselves to lead the troops into battle. By taking a firm and commanding position, the navy will help organize and read the battlefield which in turn helps create strong and solid communication between the commanding officers.

ISB - Imperial Security Bureau operates in the shadows, a secret task force activated to ensure order after the formation of the Empire.

Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?: I wish to join the Imperial navy and ISB to maintain discipline and order when missions are ongoing and when we are stationed on either the base or Vessels

How active can you be?: I can be fairly active where some days I can be on all day
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-=[ Incoming transmission from Naval Command aboard the ISD Chimaera ]=-
-= Credentials: | Name: Mitth'raw'nuruodo AKA Thrawn | Rank: Grand Admiral | Vessel: Chimaera =-

Naval command has reviewed your application and we have decided that you will be ACCEPTED into Naval Command as a Lieutenant. We expect un-bridled loyalty and dedication to the Empire and look forward to seeing what you can achieve to help us bring peace throughout the galaxy! We will contact you in due time to give you your clearance access. If you have any further enquiries you may contact me directly to discuss anything you want to know.

Long live the Empire!
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