Dark back to Tanks

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Sep 9, 2023
RP Name: Dark

Discord Name (include #): @dark8008135

Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT -0

Role(s) applied for: Tank Troopers 2nd LT --> Captain/Major

Previous experience: 212th PVT -> CO (MO Lead during this), NSO Trainee

Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for:

Tank Troopers would essentially be the Heavy Ordinance of the server, using Tanks to help support the frontlines in the most helpful ways possible whilst also bringing any assistance with any heavy weaponry that the enemy forces would be using, Tank Troopers would be there to support the Main frontline force (501st Vader's fist) whilst not taking their job as the main frontline regiment, Tank Troopers would be under direct orders of the Imperial Navy and any orders and requisitions given by them must be followed as such to increase productivity on the frontlines and effectiveness, The position I have applied for will be supporting the regiment from it's roots, helping any and all troopers in any way that it can, from doing try-outs to Qualifications and Certifications to ensure that the members of the tank troopers are fit to be within the regiment and secondly, use any equipment that is within the regiment, and ensuring that all data is remembered and kept somewhere where it can be seen for all, This position as well will help teach up and coming troopers how to act whilst in the regiment and in a way, look up to or possibly inspire.

Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?:

From my last 2 years of experience, I have spent 99% of my time on the clone wars server as a member of the 212th Attack Battalion, If there is anything about Tanks, I will prioritise going towards it due to my relation with the 212th and the people I have met whilst in there, I think I would be fit for the role as anything related to tanks for the server I have seen come and go (TX-130 buffs and what not, and the same with the AT-TE) and would like to help the regiment become a loyal and disciplined state whilst they all work together, from overviewing 212th whilst as commander I oversaw how the regiment used the tanks that we had and how we could make them a special standout point for the 212th whilst remaining balanced for everyone, I have also helped overview the 2 specs 212th has had such as Parjai and Ghost Company during my time and how they should be ran correctly (Equipment not being mishandled and new Qualifications being made to work with new equipments and what not)

How active can you be?: Everyday as College is winding down from me.
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Dark was dope 212th +1
+1 Dark is a bit special but a class guy
+1 Has a history of leading very well, should even be senior if you ask me
A bit iffy on this, you were about to be demoted on CW from Commander and MassRDM right?
A bit iffy on this, you were about to be demoted on CW from Commander and MassRDM right?
Was very inactive as CO over his last weeks serving but the application is for an Officer spot so don't see how it could go wrong

+1 Deffo could work alongside TT Seniors on developing fun and unique training for the reg
+1 was a good CO while we lasted, despite being a mountain dwelling welshman :geek:
Was very inactive as CO over his last weeks serving but the application is for an Officer spot so don't see how it could go wrong

+1 Deffo could work alongside TT Seniors on developing fun and unique training for the reg
The near 200 days got to me sorry for my old age o7
A bit iffy on this, you were about to be demoted on CW from Commander and MassRDM right?
That was for when he was leaving apparently it's tradition for the 212th commander to fire their RPS into the crown after they're resignation ceremony
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+1 A bit special but he had +200 days as CO. He definitely deserves that position. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
Considering tradition and all then, I'll give a +1 since I remember you being alright up until Commander, so good luck Dark!
Hello! The Imperial senior team and hierarchy leads are happy to announce that you have been accepted for the position of Tank Trooper Major. Welcome aboard the Chimaera! Please contact a member of the senior team or Imperial hierarchy for more information regarding your role and members within your regiment.

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