Collector Imperial Navy Application

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New member
Mar 25, 2024
United Kingdom
RP Name: Collector

Discord Name (include #): Zee Zee#0258

Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT+1

Role(s) applied for: Imperial Navy, Any rank from Commodore or below.

Previous experience: I was Fleet Commodore on MVG back around 2020 or whenever Megumin was Grand Admiral at the time, and I was almost was in an entire year of Fleet but decided that I wasn't cut out at the time to continue that path at the moment so I left. I did alright I will admit I had some immature moments as my time as fleet but that was like 4 years ago and I feel like I can try again with a better mind like leadership for the role.
Describe in your eyes, the role of the regiment and position you are applying for: Why do you think you would be a good fit for the role?: The Imperial Navy, We are the Commands of our Ship/Base. We Order and control or Regiments on board, making sure our location is maintained, safe and keeping all Personal in check while we Guard and Secure The Glory of the Empire. We take missioned ordered by our superiors and make sure everyone go's as according to plan. We are a key component to the Ship and Base functionality. I myself is very experienced in the Naval being a Commodore once and still remember the basics of what is required of a Naval in the Imperial Army and I will always be ready to learn new things and abide to any orders given.

How active can you be?: Very Active, on mostly everyday or when I can
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-=[ Incoming transmission from Naval Command aboard the ISD Chimaera ]=-
-= Credentials: | Name: Mitth'raw'nuruodo AKA Thrawn | Rank: Grand Admiral | Vessel: Chimaera =-

Naval command has reviewed your application and we have decided that you will be ACCEPTED into Naval Command as a Sub-Lieutenant. We expect un-bridled loyalty and dedication to the Empire and look forward to seeing what you can achieve to help us bring peace throughout the galaxy! We will contact you in due time to give you your clearance access. If you have any further enquiries you may contact me directly to discuss anything you want to know.

Long live the Empire!
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