Multiverse Gaming

Arma Rules

1.1 – Staff word is final. If you disagree with a staff members judgment, report it via the forums.

1.2 – No racist, sexist, homophobic or offensive language. This applies to all platforms and situations.

1.3 – Advertising of any form will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban across all MVG platforms.

2.1 – Do not Friendly Fire

This applies to all kinds of damage (Melee, Equipment), and at all states of the operation (Pre, Post and During the Operation)

2.2 – Only use Equipment you are authorised to use

Do not pick any equipment unless you are authorised by a staff member or the Zeus. You may pick up a discarded weapon if your issued weapon is broken or out of ammo.

Under no circumstances should you equip or pick-up blacklisted equipment

2.3 – Do not remove your helmet under any circumstances in the field
2.4 – Follow the Chain of Command at all times

High Command + Company Command -> Platoon Command -> Squad Command -> Team Leads

Custom Armor Rules

4.1 – Custom armour is subject to Management discretion. This means they revoke armour if they feel you don’t deserve it. Management may deny your design if they feel it is too intricate, contains any racist/political/nude images or text.

4.2 – Custom armour is a privilege not a right. Just because you are leadership, help within the unit, or perform to a high standard does not mean you will be given special privileges like custom armour. Only Management may hand out custom armour to those deemed fit.

4.3 – Do not ask for custom armour, you will be told when you are cleared to make a submission. In addition to this do not harass the mod team about your designs, we have stuff we’re trying to get done. 

4.4 – Any submissions are to be posted into the #custom-submissions. This channel is meant for submissions only and is specifically utilized by the Mod Team to track submissions and designs.

4.5 – Changes to designs can be done once every 3 months. This cooldown not apply when moving from one slot to another where different design rules are used/different models entirely.

Design Rules

Failure to follow these specifications will lead to your design being auto-denied

4.5 – Yellow Should always be the Primary Colour (#E7A400), Squad Helmets/Armour should have minimal Grey. 

4.6 – See the discord or our palette for the 158th’s approved colours

4.7 – Decals will not be in black, but they will appear as such (The Dark Grey we use is as close to black as Arma 3 Allows)

4.8 – No Political/Religious/Explicit Content, Customs must conform to existing Server/Discord Rules

Custom Visors TBD

Vehicle Designs

Vehicle Designs may be submitted in ⁠custom-submissions

Vehicles are low priority for painting so you may have to wait long time before seeing the results

Having your design on a Vehicle does not permit you to us that vehicle whenever you want

Some designs may be deleted or changed depending on Painters Style / Need

Zeus Rules can be access via the Zeus Documentation section of the forums. If you are a Zeus and do not have access, contact a member of management.

Staff Rules can be access via the Staff Documentation section of the forums. If you are 158th Staff and do not have access, contact a member of management.