Nerf the ghook

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Staff member
Head Admin
Sep 9, 2023
Your In-Game Name: Jack

Remove the "bhop mechanic" from the ghook aka nerf the ghook

Addons Needed (workshop link): None

Reason: At the end of the day, bhopping around with the speed and momentum you gain from the ghook counts as FailRP, this isn't enforced anymore at all which needs to change imo. I can see this getting a lot of hate but it needs a change
For you people that used to play on the spec ops server back when we had one, you couldn't really retract the ghook length while moving backwards as it would just force you forwards anyways, something like that could be done here and the rest get handled by staff (If we notice anyone working around this nerf it would count both as FailRP and Exploiting if you want to take it that far)
The ghook should be what the name is "Grapple Hook" used for climbing areas that you couldn't before. It's not for gaining speed and momentum to fly across the map because you're too lazy to walk. Now don't get me wrong I've been doing this for as long as I've been on the server as well so I'm part of the problem but that's also why I can agree that it needs a change.
Bhop fair enough, it has sorta crept in much more than it did before and is quite annoying, slingshots should stay tho, platform to platform is realistic, that momentum is something you can do, ask ur mother for a hair band and toy around with it, it'll come to ya. So if u can figure a way to disable bhop or make it failrp or some shit yeah but leave slingshot
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I do see where you are coming from with Bhop but removing the whole slingshot mechanic completely when that’s what’s taught a lot in trainings and quals I feel isn’t right because as well as allowing you to bhop it also helps move between buildings for GC.

But overall I do understand why you want bhopping gone
I do agree with this to an extent but more on what Magma is saying, why couldn't we try and work on it IC first rather than just going straight into nerfing it as a whole. A lot of the people in this server play due to things being fun like the ghook mobility, in general it feels really nice as it is, a real nice flow and smooth movements, if we nerfed it and removed bhops+slingshots I think my reg would suffer heavily if we were to be nerfed, I agree on cracking down on b-hopping and yes I am one of the b-hoppers however Kingg was the only one in the past to try and control it but barely touched on it really. We're only just transitioning into GC being one of the only regs to have it and now you want it nerfed straight away rather than talking to people to see what can be done, I feel like communicating through people who rely on it 100% of the time like GC would've been nicer rather than being handed a nerf out of nowhere. I respect the iron fist approach but I can't really sit by and let this sort of suggestion exist when things can be worked on In character first but again, nothing has been mentioned to anyone?
imagine your regiment bhopping to get mobility

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Your In-Game Name: Jack

Suggestion: Remove the "bhop mechanic" from the ghook aka nerf the ghook

Addons Needed (workshop link): None

Reason: At the end of the day, bhopping around with the speed and momentum you gain from the ghook counts as FailRP, this isn't enforced anymore at all which needs to change imo. I can see this getting a lot of hate but it needs a change
For you people that used to play on the spec ops server back when we had one, you couldn't really retract the ghook length while moving backwards as it would just force you forwards anyways, something like that could be done here and the rest get handled by staff (If we notice anyone working around this nerf it would count both as FailRP and Exploiting if you want to take it that far)
The ghook should be what the name is "Grapple Hook" used for climbing areas that you couldn't before. It's not for gaining speed and momentum to fly across the map because you're too lazy to walk. Now don't get me wrong I've been doing this for as long as I've been on the server as well so I'm part of the problem but that's also why I can agree that it needs a change.
I feel like this is a perfect example for why staff shouldn't be the only people to decide on server changes (cough developers cough)

This is a stupid suggestion. The grapple hook has not been a problem (and is still not a problem) in the almost-9 years the server has been around for, so what's causing the hate boner for it now? What's suddenly changed that makes the ghook problematic, because clearly it's not the ghook itself considering how that hasn't actually changed. Instead of nerfing the ghook, why not address the actual cause of the problems, the things that have actually changed?

And quite possibly the biggest question of all: Who benefits from this? Staff get more claims and get to type !warn @ "FailRP - Having fun"? What benefit does anyone get as a player?

How about instead of trying to punish people for having fun, and making pointless unwarranted changes that'll do nothing but piss off the playerbase, we just start doing more RP that's actually fun and make people want to play the server? Maybe you can use your HA powers to make staff do things that actually introduce more RP instead of making retarded suggestions that'll do nothing but piss everyone off
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Im not quite with Chi on the aspect that staff holds the decision-making authority, but I am curious about the timing of the recent suggestion to alter the grappling hook bhop feature. Why is this change being suggested now when it hasn't been a problem before?
Give everyone who has ghooks atm the same ones as RC and remove the ones that allow you to sling shot!
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I agree with the idea that Bhopping around at stupid speeds shouldn't really be a thing. But I'm heavily against the idea of changing the ghook and then punishing people that try to exploit or work around it. I'd rather not use the ghook at all than walk on eggshells every time I use it.
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I mean maybe a work around to a GHook would be some sort of accession cable the same as we see in Clone wars where it simple takes you up ontop of cliffs / buildings etc.
Not to comment on the suggestion itself, I'm neither in support or -support of it but I do think this would instantly increase the amount of vehicle suggestions or vehicle usage hence causing more lag on the server in events. I can imagine for example this getting approved and then CC wanting speeders because it would help them get to spec-ops quicker or back to the front-line quicker after spec ops or there being like 3 or more LAAT's in the air rather than just the usual one because of transport
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After talking it over with Seniors I've decided to close this for the time being, I made a rushed decision and worded myself wrong (being foreign and all)

When I've spoken to more people regarding this and put time into an actual suggestion with more options than nerf/remove and not this rushed crap, I'll post a new one, many apologies to whoever's feelings I hurt with this post!

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